MTI's Latest Low Force Friction Welding Machine

By MTI Welding Technologies
schedule12th Sep 23

Machine Build In-Process: MTI is set to deliver its latest Low Force Friction Welding Machine to an Automotive customer in Mexico! This Low Force machine is a vertical design allowing for more floor space and a fully automated Robotic installation.

This machine is a 100kN (22,480 lbs.) max load, welding dual wall Steel Pistons. And unlike traditional friction welding, the Low Force process creates a slight flash bulge instead of the traditional RFW flash curl, leading to time and cost savings. As a technology, Low Force Friction Welding was able to provide our customer’s Steel Piston design with reduced compression heights and improved cooling galleries and oil flow. Low Force can also provide faster cycle times and accommodate a wider range of parts for all industries. These benefits were key for our Automotive customer in regards to product design and performance.

Learn more about MTI's Low Force Friction Welding process here:

MTI is proud to be a partner in this process with 12 successful Low Force machines delivered, and now working on number 13. Contact Steve Marr, Sales/Business Development Manager in Europe, at [email protected] 

Low Force Friction Welding sample parts:

Collage of Low Force parts